Imagine that every day more than one million users are new to the Internet. The world is getting more and more digital. According to the Digital 2019 report, out of 7.676 billion, 5.112 billion have mobile phones. But, of course, it doesn’t mean that they all use the Internet. You know how difficult it may be to teach your grandparents to use a simple phone, not to mention social media.
In 2014, the study showed that the Asia Pacific accumulated half of the world’s Internet users. There were 1.7 billion of those who enjoy Internet out of 3.26 billion in total. In 2020, while the number of international Internet users grew up to 4.57 billion, Asian ones accounted for 2.4 billion, including 1.1 billion from East Asia, 816.9 million from Southern Asia, and 483.22 from Southeast Asia. The majority of those 2.4 billion are located in China, India, Japan, and Indonesia, in this order.
To understand better how global it is, let’s check the statistics of other continents. By 2020, the number of Internet users from Europe was nearly 535 million in total, while Northern America reached only 398.01 million users.
How much time do you spend every day using the Internet? If in 2014, the average amount of time spent on the Internet was 6 hours and 10 minutes, in 2019, it increased to 6 hours and 42 minutes. Due to coronavirus and lockdown in 2020, that number was up to 12 hours in some countries. When you work remotely and should be connected to the Internet during 8-hour workday, and then, you want to browse something on your own, you don’t even notice how time flies.
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